


More than an accessory, a jewel!

Want to cover Le Petit Cordon UK in your magazine, blog or in the press? We've put together the essentials to make your job easier. Need an image format, a product photo, an interview? Just get in touch! We'll be delighted to help!

The story of Le Petit Cordon

Who hasn't struggled in summer between pairs of sunglasses and prescription glasses? Where to put them? The solution is to wear a cord or chain to keep them around your neck.

Matthieu Hamel wants to bring the famous glasses cord back into fashion. Obsolete ? Not at all," says the 32-year-old entrepreneur...

Press coverage

Eyewear. Matthieu wants to bring the cord back into fashion - Article published on September 25, 2018:
Este es el único accesorio vintage que necesitas este verano - Article published in Spain's Marie Claire:
france bleu

Le premier site de cordons à lunettes est breton - Article broadcast on February 13, 2019:


When an optician wants to bring the cord back into fashion - Article published August 29, 2018 :
Le Petit Cordon UK A site to bring the eyeglass cord back into fashion - Article published February 16, 2018:

Is the glasses cord becoming trendy? - Article published May 24, 2018:

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